Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How To Use Google+ Sparks

One other thing you may have noticed about Google+ that you don’t see on Facebook is Sparks. You may be wondering then, what these “sparks” are for and when you would use them. Let’s shed some light on them.

I. Setup Some Spark Topics

1. From the Google+ home page, click on Sparks at the left under your Circles in your Stream.
2. You can then choose from the categories that Google has already setup, or you can type any keyword into the search box at the top and then hit enter.
3. It will present you with a list of stories that that keyword brings up. If you like the kinds of stories that are coming up, then click the Add Interest button underneath the search box to add it to your Sparks.
4. Repeat this until you have a nice list of Sparks you find interesting.

II. Using Sparks

1. Now, whenever you feel the hankering to check out stories about a specific topic, just click on that topic under your Sparks on the left on your homepage.
2. You can then browse the stories and click on ones to read more, you can also share them easily with your Google+ followers by clicking Share under the post excerpt (remember to also use those circles to share the story with people you think might be interested).


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