Dolphin Browser HD is one of the most popular alternative browsers on Android, which is why the latest news on that front is so disconcerting. According to an exhaustive investigation by Android Police, Dolphin HD is sending all user URLs in plain text to a Dolphin webserver. The goal is to match URLs to a webzine whitelist service that Dolphin then provides to users, but as Android Police said, this is “an amateur solution.”
It appears that any URL, be it secured or not is sent with no security whatsoever. For its part, Dolphin says that the data is not retained, and anyway the issue was addressed in a recent update. Though, in an update Android Police says its original version was done with the new version. Users of rooted phones can block access to the Dolphin webzines server that the data is going to. Other users are encouraged to sop using the app.
While this background service is not sending the contents of pages. it is still unacceptable to have every URL you visit sent unencrypted into the open internet. Considering the attention this is getting, we expect a fix to be incoming soon. Does this make you weary about using Dolphin HD in the future?
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